Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sunday morning...

Sunday morning...A day which I always look forward every week because I'll pick my Jen for breakfast and drop her off to work. As for this Sunday we went to the new Old Town outlet at Sunshine. It was pack like all the other Old Town cafe but we manage to find a place.

We had soft boil eggs and I had Hockien Mee and Jen ordered Ipoh Hor Fun coz she was not feeling well. I was worried and brough Jen to see a doctor to get MC coz I know that she work alot and needed more rest. I drop Jen back home after we left the clinic.

While driving back home my cousin sms me if I would want to go to the internet cafe. Since I'm free the whole afternoon I went up my cousin's house at Tanjung Bungah. At first I though Melvin was the only one coming but later Irwin also said that he wanted to come along. So after they got ready we went to NetCity for World of Warcraft.

Irwin with his Undead Priest

Melvin with his Taurent Warrior

This is my Level 70 Mage

Irwin continue leveling his Priest and Melvin started a Warrior. As for me, My mage was lvl 70 so I went around to help both of them to level up. Though I was not gear up, but later in the evening Paul came and the rest of the gang from Net help me to gear up my mage.

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